Dipl. Masch. Ing. ETH (MSc in mech. eng.).
Professor at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Engineering and Architecture dpt.; retired since Oct. 2019.
35 years of national and international research activity in building services and building energy simulation.
Convenor of CEN/TC 156 WG 21 – Energy performance calculation of ventilation and cooling systems.
Swiss delegate in CEN/TC 156, CEN/TC 371, ISO/TC 205.
Expert in CEN/TC 371 WG 1, ISO/TC 205 WG 9, ISO/TC 163/WG 4, ISO/TC 163 SC 2 / WG 15 and 16.
Member of the coordinating Collective Team Leaders for the development of the set of international (CEN and partly ISO) EPB (EC Mandate M/480, 2011 – 2016).