Professor of Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and at Aalto University, Finland.
Chair of REHVA Technology and Research Committee.
Central Team Manger (Calculations and life cycle) in EPBD Concerted Action Energy Performance of Buildings, CA EPBD 6 (2022-2026)
Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (since 2018) and the Finnish Climate Change Panel (since 2020).
Internationally renowned for the preparation of technical definitions for nearly zero energy buildings through many activities in REHVA Technology and Research Committee and contributions to European standards.
Development of dynamic simulation-based energy calculation frames for present energy performance regulations in Estonia and Finland.
Ventilation guidance development in REHVA COVID-19 Task Force and WHO Ventilation Roadmap development in the WHO Environment and Engineering Control Expert Advisory Panel (ECAP).
Post-COVID ventilation design methods development in Nordic Ventilation Group, REHVA TRC and CEN TC156 WG25 for revision of EN 16798-1:2019 standard.