Fifth webinar - EPB standards linked to health and wellbeing

(Updated: June 18, 2020)

The 5th webinar was organized on Tuesday 16th June 2020 (12h00-13h30) on "EPB standards linked to health and wellbeing".

In this 5th webinar the definition of indoor climate and other health related indoor conditions requirements as set out in one of the EPB standards, EN 16798-1, were introduced and demonstrated.

In particular the thermal comfort requirements were presented and how they can be evaluated by the calculation methods defined in the EPB standards. As a follow-up to the 4th webinar, further applications and possibilities of an hourly calculation method beyond the energy needs calculation were shown.

In the frame of climate change, the overheating issue is getting more and more important for both health and productivity reasons, and strategies to avoid this by enhanced ventilative cooling need to be evaluated. Therefore, the possibilities and limitations of such evaluations, using the methods described in the EPB standards and documents, were introduced, as well as further developments currently underway in standardization.




  • 0h00General introduction (the webinar series, this webinar),
    by Giulia LEGHISSA, Scientific communication at Eurac Research
    (BuildUp Editorial Board)
  • 0h03Thermal comfort and overheating
    by Gerhard ZWEIFEL, Professor emeritus Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, EPB expert
  • 0h32Energy needs calculation (EN ISO 52016-1) and thermal comfort
    by Dick VAN DIJK, EPB expert, EPB Center
  • 0h54Ventilative cooling and climate change – current standardization work, complementing the EPB standards,
    by Gerhard ZWEIFEL
  • 1h16Q&A, by the moderator
  • 1h30 – Closing

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This webinar on BUILD UP website

Series of webinars on the EPB standards

A series of webinars on the EPB standards was jointly organized throughout 2020 and early 2021 by BUILD UP in cooperation with EPB Center’s experts under the scope of Service Contract ENER/C3/2017-437/SI2-785.185 “Support the dissemination and roll-out of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards developed under EC Mandate M/480” (duration September 2018 - September 2021).

Overview of the whole series