First webinar: Guidance and examples for the EPB standards’ flexibility

(Updated: February 5, 2020)

The 1st webinar was organised on Tue 4th February 2020 (12h00-13h30) to provide guidance and examples for the EPB standards’ flexibility applying the principle of subsidiarity. Flexibility means that national choices are possible in the methodology, input data and references to other standards.

Recording of the webinar (90 minutes):


  • 0h00:  – General Introduction (the webinar series, this webinar),
    by Camilo PAEZ, Sustainable & Energy Efficient Architecture and Urban Design consultant (BuildUp Editorial Board)
  • 0h03:  – EPBD and EPB standards keynote,
    by Dimitrios ATHANASIOU, Policy Officer, DG ENER, European Commission
  • 0h33: – General guidance and introduction to national options (choices),
    by Annet VAN DER HORN – DE VRIES, Standardization consultant for building-construction, NEN Dutch Standards Body
  • 0h54: – Case study: sharing the Italian experience with the national options (choices),
    by Laurent SOCAL, EPB expert, Italy
  • 1h14:  – Q&A, moderated by Camilo PAEZ (BuildUp Editorial Board)

Download pdf of the presentations


Clearly identified options and national data remain necessary due to differences in climate, culture and building tradition, building typologies, policy and legal frameworks (including the type and level of quality control and enforcement). This is foreseen in the set of EPB standards via options that can be chosen according to a specific template: the “Annex A/Annex B approach” separating the harmonized procedures in the EPB standards from the national or regional options (choices).

More on national choices: see our page on National Annexes

This webinar on BUILDUP website

Series of webinars on the EPB standards

A series of webinars on the EPB standards was jointly organized throughout 2020 and early 2021 by BUILD UP in cooperation with EPB Center’s experts under the scope of Service Contract ENER/C3/2017-437/SI2-785.185 “Support the dissemination and roll-out of the set of Energy Performance of Buildings standards developed under EC Mandate M/480” (duration September 2018 - September 2021).

Overview of the whole series