The Decarbonisation of Buildings: Turning Ambition into Action

On March 20th, 2024, EPEE, REHVA Supporter, organised this online event, after the positive vote of the European Parliament on the EPBD Recast on March 12th, 2024, with the main aim of providing wide-ranging views on setting the framework for adequately implementing the EPBD.
After the introductory speech of Stefan Moser, Head of Unit at DG ENER, dealing with the EPBD, Johann Zirngibl, EPB Center Board Director and REHVA Vice-President presented how an HVAC professional could look at the EPBD Recast (please find the slide deck below). The objectives of the EPBD Recast are clear and go in the right direction. However the means, how to reach these objectives (use of renewables, carbon neutrality, healthy buildings and affordable buildings) should be worked out and optimised by HVAC designers. There is no «one fits all solution».
Johann Zirngibl underlined that REHVA and EPB Center stand for technology inclusive/holistic solutions, the multiplicity of solutions, because there are different means to reach the EU's targets.
Stefan Moser in his introductory speech mentioned that the cooperation with stakeholders is key to implement the EPBD Recast. REHVA and EPB Center proposed their technical experience and know-how for drafting the upcoming guidance documents needed for an effective and harmonised implementation of the EPBD Recast at national level.
Webinar's all-in-one slide deck
More information (including agenda) on EPEE wepage
Introductory remarks | Stefan Moser, Head of Unit, DG ENER B3
Setting the framework for decarbonisation of buildings, moderated by EPEE Policy Manager Manon Roussel
- HVAC designer view on EPBD, concerning new and existing buildings | EPB Center – Johann Zirngibl
- Letting the sunshine in: New provisions on solar rooftops and solar thermal energy for buildings | SolarHeatEurope – Valérie Séjourné
- How to empower citizens in the switch to renewables at home: the gap-o-meter of support | EEB – Davide Sabbadin
National and local implementation: challenges and solutions, moderated by EPEE Director General Russell Patten
- Integration of renewable energy in district heating and cooling networks, and the role of large heat pumps | EHPA – Jozefien Vanbecelaere
- The decarbonisation of all buildings: Heating and cooling solutions for commercial buildings from the RACHP sector | EPEE Energy Efficiency Environment Working Group Chair – Christina von Westernhagen
In addition to insightful presentations from all speakers, Laetitia Aumont (EEB) mentioned new EPBD provisions on one-stop shops and energy communities as key enablers of buildings decarbonization. NGOs and industry representatives agreed on the importance of the Heat pump action plan, which publication is now delayed until the European elections at least, and to address at Member State level the electricity to gas price ratio. Valérie Séjourné pointed out the necessity to put heating and cooling on the agenda, while still acknowledging the full diversity of technologies.