Categorized overview of all Annex A/B choices in 10 selected EPB standards

This is a special product, prepared in collaboration between the EPB Center and the U-CERT project.

Each EPB standard has a (mandatory) Annex A with a template for national choices (between specific parts of the calculation procedure, assumptions, parameters, etc.). Plus an Annex B with (informative) default choices.

For the national implementation of each EPB standard, the template shall be used to prepare national or regional choices; these choices are provided in National Annexes or National Datasheets.

This spreadsheet tool gives an overview of all (in total 237) Annex A/B choices in each of the selected EPB standards,
with each choice categorized, as shown in the tool. The tables can be sorted on EPB standard and table number or on specific categories.

This tool is intended to support all those who are involved in the preparation or understanding of the set of National Annexes / National Datasheets on these EPB standards.

More details below...

Download file EPB-CenterU-CERT_Categorized_AnnexAB_choices_EPBstandards_2021-08-27a.xlsm
Dick van Dijk
Geographical scope:
National Annexes or National Datasheets
Published date:
Aug. 27, 2021
  • General
EPB Center

More details


Specifically on this spreadsheet:

The subdivision of the tables with choices in Annex A/B of the EPB standards into categories/types is to some extent arbitrary.
The subdivision is purely based on the judgement of experts on the selected EPB standards.
The categorization of the tables with choices in Annex A/B of the EPB standards is only intended as support to fill in or evaluate National Annexes or National Datasheets

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