Future strategy
Development process of a future strategy on the EPB standards
This page aims to facilitate and stimulate input from and discussions among all parties interested in the further improvement and implementation of the set of EPB standards, towards a strategy for the coming years.
For questions and suggestions, don't hesitate to contact the EPB Center experts!
Please note that it is up to the competent official standardization bodies to decide upon the future of any EPB standard, in accordance with the official CEN or ISO procedures.
In general, the National Standards Body can be contacted for information and comments on any CEN or ISO standard. A list of National Standards Bodies can be found at the CEN or ISO websites.
Need for a new mandate from European Commission to CEN for upgrading the set of EPB standards
A 3rd Mandate from EU to CEN for upgrading the set of EPB standards and developing a supporting open source EPB software tool is essential for a successful implementation of the revised EPBD in the EU Member States, specifically regarding the important milestones that shall be achieved by 2030. The CEN/ISO Roadmap (see below) describes the details of the work to be done.
More information:
2024: Roadmap for the set of EPB standards with regard to the key global challenges
Early 2024 the relevant ISO and CEN committees published a Roadmap to make the set of EPB standards fit for the current and near-future challenges:
Main goals and activities described in the roadmap:
This roadmap was created based on the many responses from various stakeholders and countries on:
2022: Systematic Review of EPB standards published in 2017
In 2017 a high number of (EN) ISO and CEN standards were published to collectively assess the overall Energy Performance of Buildings: the set of EPB standards.
By mid July 2022 (5 years after publication) many of these documents were, individually, subject to systematic review (SR) within CEN and ISO.
These standards constitute an integrated and coordinated package that need to be maintained and kept coordinated.
An informal document was prepared to increase the effectiveness of the SR and the subsequent SR evaluation in CEN and ISO. It provides background information and considerations for National Standards Bodies, on the whole set of EPB standards, with additional considerations for specific individual standards.
This document was distributed to the ISO and CEN committees that are responsible for one or more of the EPB standards: ISO/TC 163, ISO/TC 163/SC 2, ISO/TC 205, CEN/TC 371, CEN/TC 89, CEN/TC 156, CEN/TC 169, CEN/TC 228 and CEN/TC 247.
For interested stakeholders, the document can also be downloaded here:
The document includes also a list of questions, primarily intended for National Standards Bodies.
Comments and suggestions on specific EPB standards, collected and evaluated by EPB Center experts
Feedback from users and other stakeholders on specific EPB standards and related technical reports has been collected over the years and evaluated by EPB Center experts.
See for instance the page with overview of currently available EPB Center comment files