EN 15316-4-2 details


A new draft of EN 15316-4-2 passed public enquiry on May 26, 2022. Link to CEN database.

However, because of wishes to extend the scope of the standard, a new version is under preparation (2024-2025).


  • Background information: REHVA article (August 2021): "Heat pumps: lost in standards… and found"
  • Short (15') video, October 2022, with content:
  • Status of the revision of the standard
  • Structure of the draft standard, prEN 15316-4-2
  • Status of the accompanying spreadsheet (!Major update available, Nov.2022)
  • prEN 15316-4-2 Public enquiry results
  • Main comments in Public Enquiry of prEN 15316-4-2

Watch the video

Harmonization of ErP/EPBD related Heat pump standards EN 14825 / EN 15316-4-2

Standards for products and standards for buildings

In Europe the characterization of the energy performance of “products” is ruled by Commission Delegated Regulations setting ecodesign requirements in the frame of the energy-related products (ErP) Directive.  The energy performance of “buildings” is regulated by the Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD).

European standards have been worked out independently for the practical implementation of the ErP and the EPBD.

The basis for the performance assessment of products and buildings are the product test data, which are defined in “product standards”. Ideally,  the set of test data should be enough to support both the “product” approach and the “building” approach, to make both approaches coherent, to facilitate access to the data and to avoid additional costs for industrials and users.


The ErP related Heat pump standards EN 14825Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space heating and cooling - Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal performance” and the EPBD related EN 15316-4-2Energy performance of buildings — Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies — Part 4-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems, Module M3-8-2, M8-8-2” are both under revision.

Work in progress

Until now the test data required by these two standards are not harmonized. A coordination action was initiated to identify where the differences in testing are, and how they could be harmonized in both standards. By harmonizing the test conditions for heat pumps, the consistency and reliability of Ecodesign/ErP and EPBD will be increased and the testing simplified. The work is still ongoing and needs a close cooperation between product standard experts, system standard experts and the European Commission.    

EPB Center

EPB Center experts contribute actively to this ongoing work
( Position paper, Feb. 2021 ).  


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