(EN) ISO_52010-1_details
Collection of comments (possible errata) and suggestions on EN ISO 52010-1
Responsible for this standard in ISO and CEN: ISO/TC 163/SC 2 (WG 15), CEN/TC 89
The following errata in (EN) ISO 52010-1:2017 have been noted:
Date of reporting on this website: May 29, 2023
Formula 24 should be :
Kt = Gsol,g/(Iext . sin(αsol))
The reference for Iext should be Formula 27.
For formula 27 the coefficient explanation should read:
Gsol;c is the solar constant obtained from Table 9, in W/m2.
We would appreciate if you would contact the EPB Center experts or the secretaries of the responsible ISO or CEN comittees if you find other errors.
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