Interested but not sure how you can implement the set of EPB Standards in your country, or in your organisation?
Our EPB experts will be happy to learn about your requirements and offer you detailed guidance and consultancy on the completion of National Annexes, in-depth calculation methodologies and many other hands-on challenges you may face in the implementation of EPB Standards.
Together, we can improve the energy performance of our buildings!
EPB Center contribution to the recast EPBD guidance for implementation
The recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) marks a critical step forward in aligning European buildings with the EU’s ambitious climate and energy targets. As a key contributor to advancing building performance standards and practices, the EPB Center plays its supporting role in guiding the implementation of this recast at national level across the EU's Member States.
Our support stems directly from the overarching work of our group of EPB experts that focuses on supporting the uptake and further development of the CEN/ISO set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards, providing tangible pathways for the transposition and implementation of the EPBD at Member State level. This is achieved by closely collaborating with policymakers, stakeholders, and technical bodies to create synergies that lead to practical, impactful and long-lasting outcomes.
A set of meteorological data (a Typical Meteorological Year, TMY), with data values for every hour in a year for a given geographical location, can be generated using a tool developed and made available by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Now, the EPB Center has created a tool to convert such a JRC-TMY data set into the format that is needed as input for the demo XLS on (EN) ISO 52010-1.
Watch our series of webinars on the EPB standards!
A series of 10 webinars and a few short videos on a variety of specific subjects related to the EPB standards was organized throughout 2020 and early 2021 by BUILD UP in cooperation with EPB Center’s experts under the scope of the Service Contract with EU DG ENER.
As our experts keep working on the development and implementation strategies for the EPB Standards, their research proves valuable and we are proud to showcase it as best practices for any specific situation that may come across our collaborator’s building needs.
To showcase our experts’ diverse capabilities on the practical implementation of the EPB Standards, we have uploaded a “batch” of Case Studies on the website, in our goal to make it into a comprehensive knowledge platform.
You can read all the newest available Case Studies on the dedicated Newsletter, or directly on the website, here.
Interested but not sure how you can implement the set of EPB Standards in your country, or in your organisation?
Our EPB experts will be happy to learn about your requirements and offer you detailed guidance and consultancy on the completion of National Annexes, in-depth calculation methodologies and many other hands-on challenges you may face in the implementation of EPB Standards.
Together, we can improve the energy performance of our buildings!
EPB Center contribution to the recast EPBD guidance for implementation
The recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) marks a critical step forward in aligning European buildings with the EU’s ambitious climate and energy targets. As a key contributor to advancing building performance standards and practices, the EPB Center plays its supporting role in guiding the implementation of this recast at national level across the EU's Member States.
Our support stems directly from the overarching work of our group of EPB experts that focuses on supporting the uptake and further development of the CEN/ISO set of Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) standards, providing tangible pathways for the transposition and implementation of the EPBD at Member State level. This is achieved by closely collaborating with policymakers, stakeholders, and technical bodies to create synergies that lead to practical, impactful and long-lasting outcomes.
The highest level: overall energy performance, overall indoor & outdoor conditions, ...
Building as such
The building (needs, temperatures) and building elements
Heating systems
Heating systems and water based cooling systems
Cooling systems
Ventilation systems
Ventilation systems, air flow rates
Domestic hot water systems
DHW systems and needs
Light and lighting systems
Building automation and control
PV Wind
What do we do?
The EPB Center activities are to plan, coordinate and guide the process of promoting the implementation and use, maintenance and further development of the set of EPB standards and safeguard the coherence of their technical content. Continued coordination is essential as the maintenance and further development of the individual EPB standards is carried out by the various individual Technical Committees of both CEN and ISO.
Other activities EPB Center can provide are, for instance: linking the EPB standards with ECODESIGN, supporting the implementation of EPBD in national legal frameworks, codes and building traditions and implementing the EPB standards in the ISO set of standards. All activities focus on achieving uniformity, flexibility and sustainability as well as cost and risk reductions in the built environment.
Why choose us?
Everyday we work hard to ensure smooth EPB implementation for our clients
Accuracy and Transparency in EPB Standards information
We disseminate and promote the use of the overarching and other EPB standards and provides information services for all involved stakeholders, such as industry, researchers, engineers building professionals, financial institutions.
High-End Trainings and Updates
We take support one step further by tailoring our replies to suit your knowledge, expectations and business needs. We provide high-quality training modules, webinars, short explanatory videos, web workshops and case studies for National Bodies, private institutions or building professionals to easily implement the EPB standards.
Continuous support from EPB Experts
Most of the experts in the project team have many years of experience, often in a leading role, in the development of European standards on the energy performance of buildings and support our customers continuously. One of the highly appreciated unique assets of the EPB Center is that it provides easy, direct and informal access to these experts.